icy cold and blue skies


After a bitterly cold start we were soon bathed in sunshine and worked under a perfectly azure sky. It was beautiful and the acre had a lovely feel about it. Our day was completely made by a visit from Beverley who presented us with a generous donation from her charity. It's always good to hear Beverley's encouraging words of support as she can see the transformation we are making on the acre and the difference we are making in our own lives as we go about our work.

There's been a lot of activity on the acre this week, even before we gathered on Wednesday. Reuben and Isaac worked tirelessly to shift the huge pile of logs from the acre which are now drying out, ready to be next year's firewood. This enabled our builders to lay electric cable and utilities to our new toilet facilities. They've erected a cedar shed and hopefully we'll be able to transform it into facilities as well presented as our cabin.

In the coming days the kitchen will be started too and in that we'll have a full sized fridge, a microwave, kettle and our very own dishwasher! But the big build, the most exciting news, will be the start of our new gardening cabin and all the facilities we have planned for it. Watch this space for updates!

On the work front Brendan and Reuben shifted the pile of wood chips onto the acre whilst Nick led a team consisting of Louis and Scarlett in laying a new woodchip path amongst our fruit trees. Materials are being purchased to extend the path to our entrance door so we'll need hands on deck with completing this over the next couple of visits. Nick and I are now looking at erecting the greenhouses, creating more soft fruit beds, resiting our fireplace and a list of other activities. It's going to be a busy, busy time with lots of projects on the go simultaneously - we certainly won't be bored!

Excellent cakes ( apple/cinnamon and a chocolate sponge) were baked to perfection by Nicola and greatly enjoyed by all - a big thank you! 
