Work has finally started on our much longed for gardening cabin! For months we’ve had the square of rubble, promising to be the foundations and finally it’s going up, another milestone for space2grow! A big thank you to The Dempster Trust and Farnham Institute for funding the building and to the Round Table who are funding the kitting out.
On Monday a group of us represented space2grow and the Bishops Meadow Trust at The Maltings ' Refresher Fair'. This was an undoubted success and we were amongst the busiest of the stands there. The event is aimed at people nearing or in retirement who are looking for opportunities where their valuable skill sets can be put to good use, and also so that their newly found free time can be actively spent doing something they enjoy. We had a great stand, lots of flyers and a big thank you to Nick, Nicola, John, Libby, Jim and Jo for promoting us so well.
On ‘ Welcoming Wednesday' our merry band were met with on and off rain and a definite chill in the air but a lot was achieved. Isobel and Gerrard worked hard to get the large vegetable strip cut out and steady barrow loads of soil were pushed along by Francoise and Lucy with Brendan doing the shovelling. It's now a proper sized bed and we have the timber to enclose it. Great work everyone! We were provided sustenance in the form of a very moist and tasty banana cake made by Nicola - thank you!
The Thursday Gardening Club continued their excellent endeavours on clearing, weeding and making the ' Secret Garden' safe for the local school. They were also joined by Alan, who had been at our presentation to the Rotary Club last week, and who brings with him a good knowledge of butterfly's, moths and invertebrates. I know that Alan and his wife will soon be invaluable contributors to the Thursday club and to space2grow. The Thursday Gardening Club will have their work cut in the coming weeks so if you can spare time to join them I'm sure you'll be put to good use!