"If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere"
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Over the last three weeks the acre has burst into a riot of colour as the meadow flowers began to open their tight buds, revealing a trove of extraordinary beauty.
The Oxe Eye and Marguerite daisies are in full flow, minature white dinner plates with a yellow egg as a centrepiece, an enticing place setting for the myriads of pollinators looking for a lunch venue. Around the place are soft peach hues from poppies and vivid purples are bursting from the sinewy stalks of knapweed. Before long the lilacy blues of cornflower will add to the cacophony, a riotous display that is untamed, wild and beautiful. This is nature providing the soul with succour and breathing hope and life into a troubled landscape.
Much work has been going on these last couple of weeks and over half of our plants, which we grew from seed, are now finding their roots out in the beds. In true space2grow fashion our planting pattern has been adhered to - plant whatever you like, wherever you like! The randomness creates the interest and draws comment, normally highly favorable, but most importantly it highlights the diversity in styles to be found in our garden. You may have guessed that the planting has been done by individuals, or by pairs working safely apart, so that the garden truly has been created in the vision of the volunteers again this year.
Elsewhere on the acre we are pleased at how well the pond project is progressing with Men in Sheds working very effectively under strict distancing guidelines. There are just a few more concrete blocks to set before we order the wooden joists and decking and it looks as if the project is likely to be completed before July is out. Astonishing given the circumstances the team have been working under. We have also taken lengthy advice from a true pond expert and have introduced a number of plants after we first cleared the pond of blanket weed. An agent will be introduced to the water to rid us of this invasive weed this week.
It would appear that we humans are beginning to take small steps out of the wood, and that perhaps a path might be found that will lead us safely to return to living more freely again. It could be some time before we trust our instincts sufficiently to believe that the world is a safe place again and space2grow will err on the side of caution when following guidelines, perhaps being behind the curve and waiting to see how easing of restrictions are affecting the Covid figures before fully opening.
We've absolutely loved receiving your pictures from your time spent at home during lockdown. We knew we had a creative and ingenuitive bunch and it's amazing how fantastic these projects are built from old or unwanted items. From Rory's luggage rack built from old wood found in the loft (look at the professional finish!) Brendans incredibly clever sweet pea planter using an old pallet and Mervyn's planter, bird boxes and majestic teepee. Just brilliant.
We hope everyone remains safe and well and remember to forward your photographs of lockdown projects to info@space2grow.space!
PS. A hedgehog called Clive is now in residency after he checked out of his previous accommodation in Lou's porch where he'd bedded down in a sports bag. Men in Sheds did a remarkable impression of DIY SOS, re - roofing and tidying up one of the kennels which is now a first class home. Hopefully more news on Clive will feature in future newsletters!