a bumper fun-packed term!
As we roll into August we look back on some of the busiest few weeks we have had on the acre to-date! From space2play completing its first year to the evening parenting courses, from the gardening groups to the Young Carer evenings funded by the Farnham Lions. We also introduced a new weekly 'nurture' group, the first term kindly funded by Farnham Round Table and Men in Sheds building giant deck chairs! It's been packed, busy and a lot of JOY!
space2play through the seasons
The summer term was a lovely end to the first full calendar year for the project. The group even had some of the S&SEiB judges join in one of the sessions to see how the garden was coming along and the children were able to dig up the potatoes alongside our experienced garden volunteers.
rafts and crafts
The teens from Farnham Heath End and Weydon schools got busy during their weekly sessions pairing up to build rafts seeing which floats. Lifeguards were on standby with a net in case of 'sinkers'. They've been making frames, wood carvings, creating their initials with natural objects as well as making air clay coasters with flowers; all with so much creativity and skill.
A new group from Potters Gate school started as well and the school said that the sessions had a real significant impact on the children that attend.
men in deckchairs!
The Men in Sheds team have been non-stop in helping with local projects;
creating art storage racks and installing poles for hop vines at the Museum of Farnham, making a GIANT deck chair and beach photo board for the Bourne Show which looked incredible and was such a hit! They also created notice boards for St Andrews School as well as repairing notice boards for Farnham Town Council and putting together a new shed at Shepherds Court retirement complex.
They made a bench for the space2play group, a flagpole for the maze and they are also getting busy re-furbishing the old barrow found in the garden. We are very lucky to have them a part of the team.
judging days in the garden
The gardeners have kept everything green and thriving. Making sure the fruit bushes had plenty of wood chip around the bases to help with the summer heat. Keeping on top of the nettles & brambles; making the garden a great place to play. Clearing summer growth from around the pond and the perimeter paths - they have worked so hard and it really pays off. On top of the usual jobs we were visited three times by the Judges from S&SEiB - we hope to do well and have fingers crossed for Farnham Town Council who did a brilliant job making the town centre look spectacular for Farnham in Bloom - watch this space!
Our term in numbers
For fun we thought we'd reflect on the summer term in numbers!
36 space2play sessions
34 'wellbeing for teens' afternoons
26 men in shed mornings
13 garden volunteer mornings
13 two hour evening parenting groups
13 school visits from St Andrews, Potters Gate School and Highfields South Farnham
6 'nuture' club sessions
4 young carers evenings
3 judging days for S&SEiB
2 camping visits from Hale Community Centre and London Fields School
2 visits from Beavers and Rainbows
2 visits from local art groups FADEG and Draw Farnham
A huge thank you to the funders who helped support this fun packed term; Waverley Thriving Communities Fund, Farnham Town Council, Farnham Round Table, Farnham Lions, Farnham Hedgehogs The Dempster Trust and Rotary Club of Farnham
Thank you also for the continued support from Squires Badshot Lea for being their nominated charity of the year.
reflections from the acre...
The reception class at St.Andrew's Infant School have been holding their afternoon lessons at space2grow every Monday since they started school in September and we wanted to share some of their experiences.
They visit come rain or shine to enjoy the freedom and tranquility of the garden. The children have even made up their own songs for walking to and from the garden. Their school, just across the church yard, has no green space so it has been a real joy for them. It has enabled them to develop their independence and resilience while learning to play with each other and respect the natural world around them.
One of the greatest pleasures has been watching how their imagination has grown. Apparently, giant snakes and tigers have been spotted in the bamboo. There are also dragons in the maze and sharks in the pond!
Parents, carers and staff have all said how much they appreciate the links with the school. Whilst the children report that for them space2grow is their special place.
"When we can't come to space2grow it makes the week soooooo long!"
"It makes me happy coming here."
"It is very pretty. I love the mud kitchen."
"I like running around and hiding from my friends."
"I love it!"
"It is special here and it makes me feel special"