Easter greetings from the acre! It does seem very strange to be spending Easter in the cabin, with the mercury in the early 70's, whilst all around is the threat of the virus. Life is anything but normal but as each day passes the new way of living has come to feel more regular as routines form.
What I've been noticing as I go about the acre is the increase in air traffic - it's suddenly got ever so busy. It seems that wherever I'm off to I'm disrupting flight paths and I've taken evasive action from busy bumble bees on commercial honey flights several times. Honey bees are constantly being shooed from the cabin and hover flies compete amongst themselves for the best landing slots on their flower head destinations. Flitting serenely about the place are flouncy butterflies with their haphazard flying styles akin to mans own early attempts to take to the skies.They flap upwards a little, seem to exhale and lose height before again opening up their throttles to regain the height they initially lost. This they have obviously perfected and they seem to get to their destination eventually, although they do seem to be one of our least organised flyers, appearing to rely more on hope of finding something than having a pre - prepared flight plan.
The acre remains blissfully ignorant to the fact that there are not so many volunteers around to look after it and continues to obstinately go about it's business without a care in the world. However it is being kept in check and not being allowed to get too unruly. Two of the main flowerbeds have been finely dug over and weeded and are now ready to receive their summer bedding. This is underway with over 1000 seeds individually planted and doing well in the greenhouses.
The herb bed has had a makeover and that too is looking pretty smart but could do with a couple more bushes to fill some spaces. Likewise the vegetable plots are beginning to fill with rows of seed and I hope that I'll be able to report sightings of seedlings in the next newsletter. But what of our crowning glory? I am referring to our wonderful wildflower meadow and this is doing it's annual trick of not being there one moment and then being all about the place in the blink of an eye! The two lawns in front of the cabins have been given a cut so the contrast between the areas has been defined and soon we'll be in awe of the abundance of wildflower as we enter the acre - so looking forward to seeing it and getting lots of photographs!
Big thank you to Ann for sending in her picture of her growing seeds on her front window ledge getting ready for the acre...'Upcycling food containers, still sowing, thinning and planting on...running out of containers (but its amazing just how many you can find around the place that need emptying of last years failures!)'
However long this situation lasts be assured that the acre will be there for us all to enjoy as soon as it is possible. We're already thinking of plans for our 'Homecoming Party' and some ideas are forming which might include cakes and jazz with tea, lemonade and elderflower cordial. Please forward any of your own ideas and we'll try to put on a fantastic day!
Keep well, keep safe and please do contact us if you need any help at all.