With such little traffic noise from the town and the A31, and with the planes grounded and chinooks thankfully stood down, the sound of the birds romancing about the acre is as joyous as it is constant.
From the cabin windows I can observe their various rituals as they search for "the one" - feathers beautifully presented...tick...strong singing voice...check...good father/mother potential....check....silly dance and persistence....check. Pigeons are quite comical, the male kow tow'ing to his amour, his head constantly bowing and his plaintive coo cooing going on for ages as the object of his desire flirts outrageously in front of him, often turning her back and showing him a glimpse of tail feather that sends his fervour to new levels. Our ducks are quite a different matter with very little romance about the proceedings but they do seem to be genuinely fond of one other, although their home making skills might be a little questionable; there are so many broken duck eggs around its a wonder that ducks aren't extinct!
Although our world has been forced to slow down, the beat of nature continues on schedule and each day is a performance to be played out with new actors taking to the stage, all with their own lines that demand attention. The set is constantly changing with the backdrop being added to with new colour, more performers and an ever changing soundtrack. Trying to be a producer is one thing but being a director is an altogether different kettle of fish in this unruly company. As soon as I think I've sorted out the grass (it's quietly defying my commands and growing each day...) the unruly weeds pop up again in the beds. They leave stage left (in a barrow) only for the bindweed to start poking out of the earth accompanied by nettle and goose grass - an unpleasant posse! However a performance is forming, everyone knows their part off by heart and they'll be overjoyed to share it with you when we are able to gather again. Take a bow nature - you are remarkable!
As always - stay safe, keep well and keep in contact.