creative magic in the garden
It's a great time to visit the garden and see the amazing artwork created by participants from Creative Response, a local organisation that provides art sessions for vulnerable people. Led by artist Becci Kenning using recycled and upcycled materials the focus was on using colour and joyful themes.
Thanks to Farnham Men in Sheds our collaboration with Farnham Maltingsfor their help in installing the artworks and special thanks to Jon King for his amazing support of the Creative Response team.
A beautiful moment when a Common Darter dragonfly took a rest on one of the amazing dragonfly artworks!
in the news
social fun for cancer patients
We were really happy to host a social event for past and present patients from the Teenage & Young Adult Cancer Unit at Royal Surrey Hospital this week. The wonderful staff from the unit organise regular social events however, due to COVID, it's been over 18 months since their last get together. Kate Silver, youth worker from the unit said "I just wanted to say the biggest thankyou to you all. space2grow is an incredibly special place and I feel very lucky you opened up to share the garden with us. Everyone had a really lovely, relaxed evening in such a beautiful, safe space. "
Huge thanks to Jian Franco, a chef from The Lost Boy who volunteered his time to come and make authentic Italian pizzas and to The Lost Boy for donating the ingredients. After pizzas everyone gathered around the campfire to toast marshmallows.
drumming meditation event
This Sunday, 25 July, join us for a meditative drumming session led by Trevor our resident bodger at 6pm followed by a barbecue from 7pm. Please emailto let us know you're coming and bring along something to barbecue.
weekly wishlist
At space2grow we love to recycle and reuse and save money. Our various groups have created a wishlist of items that would make a real difference on the acre. If you can help by donating any of these items please email us:
files and rasps suitable for use with wood
water butts or suitable containers
seeds and plants
reflections from the acre
We wanted to share this wonderful poem - a collaboration of all spoken and written creativity from Creative Response participants, volunteers and staff, both writers and artists and space2grow visitors, volunteers and trustees. Enjoy.....
Give us a garden
Give us a garden to grow
How good we will feel
Digging and weeding
Our hands in the soil
Give us a garden of life
A refreshment of all kinds
Wake us up to the earth
And remind us of paradise
Give us a garden to breathe
Let us plant seeds
And paint stones
Let us light a bonfire
And sleep out under the night sky
Give us a garden of variety
Of sweet and sour
Poppies and daisies
Buttercups and cornflowers
Let us unwind our hours here
by a pond we are fond of
Let us find beauty
In stagnant waters
When we are stressed
Give us a garden of alone
A place to spend our rare spare time
Build us a bench
So, we can sit
With a cigarette
But if we feel lonely
Give us a garden of together
Build us a shed where we can share
Our cares with others
Where tea is drunk
And two legged friends
And four legged friends
Can gather
Give us, too, a meadow of our childhood memories
Fill it with birdsong and butterfly colour
Dream it in yellows and greens of all shades and, above all, purples
Give us a garden of surprises
Let us look through puppy eyes
At the damsel and dragon- flies
Give us a garden of long wild grasses
And secret spaces
A place where we can be
Calm and content
Or safe and unsure
Give us a garden of inspiration
An open invitation to art and to nature
Let us relax here
Until we feel
We are ready to continue
Give us a garden of peace and tranquility
Give us a garden of freedom and opportunity
Let us look more closely
And find different ways of seeing
And of being
Give us a garden to grow
How good we will feel…
If you would like to share what the acre means to you please email - we love hearing everyones reflections.
As always, we are working hard to ensure that space2grow remains a Covid safe site so please email prior to your visits, bring your own food and drink, take any rubbish home and please adhere to social distancing.
Thank you and see you soon!