Den building, nurturing and sunny spring days

Join us at the Bloomin' Community Fair

We will be setting up at the Bloomin' Community Fair on Saturday 23rd April and we need your help! If you can spare some time between 11am and 1pm on Saturday then please do come and join us in Gostrey Meadow to talk about space2grow and help us attract some new volunteers. Please drop us an email to let us know if you can help.

den building

Our Monday volunteers were joined by some young gardeners who helped with clearing deadwood from the bamboo before deciding that digging in the mud was much more fun! They excavated a den complete with steps and a bamboo roof!

Nurturing parenting

We'd like to say a big thank you to the Farnham Lions for their kind support of our recently completed Nurturing Parenting course. The course is delivered in two hourly sessions over the course of eight weeks and helps parents and carers get the best out of family life. Sessions are informal, fun and a great confidence booster. The course offers practical, positive ways to guide children so that they can learn to handle both their feelings and their behaviour. It encourages parents to share their parenting experiences and draw on each others advice.
A new course is starting on 9th May and there are spaces available. Please email for more information.

in our garden

Sunny spring days this week were spent working on our herbaceous beds, willow weaving, clearing deadwood from the bamboo and working on our compost bins.

South & South East in Bloom

Dave, who volunteers in our garden, attended a seminar at RHS Garden Wisleyto learn about this year's South & South East in Bloom competition. Topics included sustainability, guidelines for preparing for judging visits and changes to marking critieria. Very useful information for us as we begin preparing our garden for judging in the 'It's Your Neighbourhood' category. More details to come soon!

weekly wishlist

Farnham Men in Sheds, our collaboration with Farnham Maltings, are creating large bug hotels for various spaces around the town and are in need of particular items to go inside the hotels that are good for bugs and wildlife. Can you help us by donating from your garden or going exploring to find any of the following by the end of April?

  • dead wood & loose bark

  • hollow stems, such as old bamboo canes, or holes drilled into blocks of wood

  • stones

  • small tiles

  • dry leaves

  • straw or hay

  • corrugated cardboard

  • dry leaves & sticks

  • pine cones

Please bring in any of these items in a container or bag (nothing loose please!) marked ‘Men in Sheds’ and leave with a group leader.

reflections from the acre

This week we're sharing Ray's reflections after attending our Nurturing Parenting course ......

"Just wanted to say a BIG thank you for providing the parenting course. There were many things I liked about the course... the energy, passion, empathy, concise to the point, the openness everyone brought to the discussion, giving myself an interesting insight into similar situations other households face compared to ours. I went into the course with an open mind but personally felt I was giving close to my best as possible, only to realise part way into the course that there are more effective ways to deal with rebellious kids which helps to mitigate the long struggles/stress to say the least. Also picked up good ideas for engaging more with the kids making them feel more important and confident.
As parents we have to pass many other tests in life (e.g. drivers license, MOT, interviews etc.) and yet there is no test to be a parent. Parents often overlook the importance of establishing a common ground for the household, common goals, values, what's important what's less so, how to deal with situations to avoid the aggravated stress that comes with it. At the end of the day we want our children to grow feeling loved, cherished, important, confident, well educated, clean and tidy etc. I highly recommend every parent do this course - believe me every parent will gain from it!"

If you would like to share what the acre means to you please email - we love hearing everyones reflections.

As always, we are working hard to ensure that space2grow remains a Covid safe site so please email prior to your visits, don't attend if you, or someone you live with has tested positive, take any rubbish home and please adhere to social distancing.

Thank you and see you soon!