The Parenting Space
Parenting Courses returned to the acre on Monday Evening. The course got off to a great start, many families finding comfort and support, sharing the stresses and strains of daily family life - especially after the last six months. New safety measures were introduced such as vacant seats between participants and adapting the content to ensure social distancing could be maintained. A huge thank you to the Farnham Institute who have helped sponsor this course.
Big Green Eggs
So there were eggs on the acre... but of the Big Green ceramic variety! Whilst the team carried out a photo shoot on the acre we got to be the beneficiaries of all the amazing food that was being cooked. The Big Green Egg are kindly sponsoring the cookery courses which will be hosted on the acre after the half term. (The start of the Cookery Club has had to be delayed due to schools managing the demands of COVID restrictions after being shut for 6 months.)
The Cookery course will be led by Coral and Jon (seen here getting to enjoy the fruits of the shoot) The Cookery Club will be focusing on affordable food that's easy to make and delicious. The course provides opportunities for parents to work alongside their children cooking nutrition rich, fresh food on a budget. A lifelong skill and benefits the parents and children equally.
Girl Friday!
The new Friday sessions went at full pelt as Natalie and her team got to grips with the trees that lined the public path. They did a sterling job in giving this little neglected strip of the acre some much needed attention. Now the acre is open regularly on Friday mornings if you would like to come along just drop us an email to
Reflections on the acre
One of the Big Green Egg team, Louis, wrote of his time at the acre and for those of us that come regularly it's lovely to see the project from a visitors perspective;
'Over the past few days, I've been working on a photographic shoot in the space2grow for the Big Green Egg barbecue, the company who have sponsored this term’s Cooking Club.
After ducking and weaving through the foliage I discovered a secret den of tranquil beauty, with a really friendly team — Jon (who lent me some matches; thanks Jon!) and Kate among them. We got to talking about space2grow and about the process of creating something from nothing; turning the seed of an idea into something you can enjoy.
We talked about loneliness. I can't think of a more powerful tonic than the space2grow for such a real (but rarely talked about) challenge. Gardening, says Kate, is something that's so easy to lose yourself in that it pushes those feelings to the wayside, even for just a little while. I can't shake the feeling that space2grow will always make a visitor feel better, no matter who they are, where they're from, or what it is that's encroaching on their equilibrium. space2grow is... peacefully, productively positive. I'll be back soon, I hope. Brandishing shovel, not spatula.'
Walks with Talks - We're starting our first 'walk with talks' on Monday 5th October hosted by Dave (though this one will be more of an aerobic hike!) Don't forget to email if you would like to join the walk.
Finally, we thought it would be great fun to join in the RHS Big Soup Share! This is an initiative to use the harvest to create and share soup together. (Gerard pulled some fantastic looking South African squash from the acre this week!) Any ideas on how we could do this happily welcomed. Even if it's just sharing a favoured recipe - please let us know.
Do book a session on the acre by contacting us at
We hope to see you soon.
South African squash and Leeks. Gerard thinks the squash maybe from Don & Gill planted sometime previously - treasures on the acre!