Discovering new paths

Coronavirus Reminder

Please always email prior to coming to every session to allow us to keep track of who is on the acre. This will help us keep the project a safe space for everyone.

Parenting Courses - New daytime session


This week saw a new daytime parenting course starting in the cabin. To keep the group safe the numbers on the course have been limited and the parents do not share any resources or take part in any activities that don't allow for social distancing. The current circumstances have been tough on many and the families who attended were grateful for the support. The first week focuses on the importance of praise, including praise for ourselves as well as for our children. We all deserve to praise ourselves at the moment, through all the challenges and uncertainties that we face. There was great feedback and we look forward to the remaining four weeks and the positive impact it makes.

Cookery Classes underway

This week we welcomed the local Primary school children and their families to our well ventilated space2cook kitchen! It was also the second week for the cooks from Transform Housing and Support. To keep the course covid secure Coral carries out a lot of preparation in advance of the sessions so each cook has everything they need in front of them. A big thank you to everyone involved, particularly to Coral & Jon, their hard work and planning has allowed this supporting activity to continue in very challenging circumstances.


Garden Update

The Thursday group started the impossible... reclaiming the pathway behind the maze that was lost to the compost previously stored there. Now that the new compost site has been set up by the Friday team, it left the opportunity to clear the way and restore the pathway that runs around the acre. There's still lots to shifting to do but it's lovely to see progress made and it will make the job of pruning the willow far easier. The area behind the herb bed also had a rigorous overhaul and the little bay got repositioned in the flower bed, adding lovely structure and a little evergreen colour. Fantastic work.

Natalie also braved the task of dangling over the pond to 'plant' three homemade water lily baskets which, a week later, seem to have worked and stayed safely at the bottom. Luckily Natalie didn't follow in after them!


Reflections from the acre


Every week we will be asking people who come down to space2grow for their ‘reflections from the acre’. This week we asked volunteer Jon King for his...

'The acre means freedom to me. And people. Coming down is escapism. When you walk through that gate it seems like you’re part of something else. When you go back out you’re going back into the real world. You come down and something’s lifted from you, all your worries, everything’s gone. Seeing the other people, how happy they are.
I think it's made me a better person. Understanding life. You have to sit and you forget everything else. I feel calmer. That's a massive part of it’

More Volunteering Opportunities

As well as the gardening days at space2grow we are also happy to share a volunteering opportunity on Tuesdays at our neighbouring project The Bishop's Meadow Trust. After a long hot dry summer, the Trust is now able to get on with some long awaited maintenance work of clearing ditches and hedge planting. If you would like to get involved please email

And as always, we are trying to ensure that space2grow remains a Covid safe site so please email prior to your visits, bring your own food and drink, take any rubbish home and please adhere to social distancing.

Thank you and see you soon!