positive parenting, working with willow and bodging!

positive parenting


On Monday Kelley & Kate hosted the final week of the current parenting course. It was lovely to hear how much the parents had enjoyed the sessions, learning little techniques and tips to help life at home be a little calmer. For parents, like as for so many, this year has been very challenging and those on the course really appreciated the time and opportunity to share their experiences in a non-judgemental, supportive environment. The parents were asked whether they would recommend the Nurturing Programme with one parent saying; "Absolutely - every parent should do it. It's the most important job we do but with no training." Kate said "Kelley and I absolutely love delivering this course, we are so passionate about how it can make a positive impact on people's lives. It's so rewarding watching the parents offer support and guidance to each other - its a pleasure watching it unfold."
There will be two new courses starting in the New Year - a nurturing course on Monday Evenings from 11th January and a course specifically aimed at parents of teenagers starting Thursday evenings from 14th January. Spaces are limited to allow for social distancing. To find out more or to book a place please email info@theparentingspace.space.

working with willow


This week the gardeners were inspired to use the coppiced willow prunings to define the fruit bed area. Rewarding and satisfying weaving work on chilly but sunny days. Willow was also utilised with the start of a willow sculpture tunnel behind the maze. Happiness is finding a lovely stump for the stumpery project! Watch this space for more updates! Thank you to Lara who made this beautiful Christmas wreath which now adorns the gardeners cabin.


bodging on the acre


The Bodgers are a new group working on the acre focussed on traditional folk crafts using centuries old techniques. Historically, bodgers used traditional woodturning tools, working with green (unseasoned) wood to make chair legs and other cylindrical parts of chairs. The work was done close to where a tree was felled. The craftsman who made the chair legs was known as a bodger or chair-bodger.
Our space2grow Bodgers are planning to work with green wood from the acre to create tables, rustic milking stools, plant stands, garden dibbers, plant troughs, tapestry frames, walking sticks and staves. They are also skilled at working with bone and leather to create needles, crochet hooks and leather purses and flasks.


Their first project was the creation of a traditional shave horse (a tool used to turn wood) which member John used to craft table legs. These were added to a slice of cedar to create a rustic table. Projects to follow over the winter include the construction of a bow lathe, bodger blocks and the construction of work surfaces with removable legs for storage.
The Bodgers meet on the acre on a Monday and Friday morning. Please send us an email to find out more.

reflections from the acre

In this week's reflections from the acre Kelley shares her thoughts....


"I was first introduced to the acre before it had any kind of structure. I was asked along with a small group of people to do some clearing. As a complete novice gardener and not sure what to expect I agreed, and soon going to the acre became the highlight of my week. What started as a couple of hours a week soon became a day filled with lots of laughter and sometimes tears, wonderful guilt free cakes but most importantly joy.
Lots of transformations have taken place on the acre not only to the garden itself but for the people who visit too. Something magical happens when you walk through that big wooden door. I feel part of something very special, it becomes very inclusive and the garden is a great equaliser whether you be prince or pauper, a gardening expert or a complete novice, everybody has a purpose. This wonderful open space has given me a chance to live in the moment. Spending time in the garden helps the worries and business of daily life disappear for a while.
Thank you space2grow"

If you would like to share what the acre means to you please email info@space2grow.space - we love hearing everyones reflections.

thank you .....

We'd like to say a couple of thank you's this week. Firstly to the kind people in Frensham who donated pots and pans to our cookery club through the 'Frensham Nextdoor' neighbourhood app.
Secondly to volunteer Marianne for arranging for us to be Downing Street Charity Shop's chosen charity for December! Wonderful news and we're looking forward to popping in to some Christmas shopping!

As always, we are working hard to ensure that space2grow remains a Covid safe site so please email info@space2grow.space prior to your visits, bring your own food and drink, take any rubbish home and please adhere to social distancing.

Thank you and see you soon!