special visitors to the acre

a special day

This week saw a special day at space2grow as Pat Evans, the Mayor of Farnham officially launched her special project on the acre – a wildlife pond, with decking made by Farnham Men in Sheds, a collaboration between space2grow and Farnham Maltings.

With a grant from the Mayor’s fund for the materials, Farnham Men in Sheds woodworking skills were put to the test building the decking around the pond that was then landscaped and planted by the volunteer gardeners, young and old. The pond can now be used by local school children for pond dipping and wildlife classes and for the older generation to sit in quiet contemplation, watching the dragonflies hover over the water.

The day was made extra special with a visit from Michael More-Molyneux, Her Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant of Surrey, who had the opportunity to meet some of the many different people who regularly visit the acre. The volunteers explained how much the community garden meant to them and how much it had improved their mental health through gardening groups, cooking clubs, parenting groups and woodworking activities.

Representatives were also present from the Mayor’s other charity of the year the Hale Community Centre. During lockdown the two Mayor’s charities formed a working partnership called space2breathe, giving local families opportunities to meet at either venue, accompanied by local volunteers. For some parents it was almost the first time that they had spoken to another adult during lockdown. Space2breathe is continuing after lockdown, with regular after school and holiday activities, such as football and cooking at Hale Community Centre and tree climbing at space2grow.

Special thanks to Coral from our cooking club for bringing along some wonderful treats and to Marianne for her delicious biscuits.

more good news

We're delighted and very grateful to have received a £5,000 grant from the Community Foundation for Surrey which will go towards providing the great community activities we offer.

We're now taking bookings for Sunday visits to space2grow for families and small groups to come and relax on the acre and perhaps enjoy a picnic. If you'd like to spend a leisurely Sunday at the acre please email us to book info@space2grow.space

reflections from the acre

This week's reflections take the form of a letter printed in the Farnham Herald from trustee Lou......

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If you would like to share what the acre means to you please email info@space2grow.space - we love hearing everyones reflections.

Like so many things in life all of the activities we provide for the local community cost money. If you are able to make a donation, however big or small please click this link to donate. https://www.space2grow.space/donate-1

As always, we are working hard to ensure that space2grow remains a Covid safe site so please email info@space2grow.space prior to your visits, bring your own food and drink, take any rubbish home and please adhere to social distancing.

Thank you and see you soon!