It's not only us humans who are trying to keep the children fed and entertained at the moment. Our birds have been busy raising their young and at times the acre sounds like a very busy kindergarten!
Over the last three weeks the acre has burst into a riot of colour as the meadow flowers began to open their tight buds, revealing a trove of extraordinary beauty.
Easter greetings from the acre! It does seem very strange to be spending Easter in the cabin, with the mercury in the early 70's, whilst all around is the threat of the virus.
We hope everyone is managing the situation as best as can be expected. As we have sadly had to close the project during the crisis, Corin, our project manager and master of all things space2grow is kindly keeping the acre going and is getting an awful lot done.
It is with regret that we must close space2grow with immediate effect and until further notice. I know that this will have a large impact on a number of our volunteers but we all must heed the advice coming out from the government and also the NHS and Public Health England.
The trustees have decided that it is important to keep the gardens open during the outbreak unless we have instructions from the government to do otherwise.
The acre provides a haven for many people and its a fine balance in ensuring that mental well being is being supported whilst protecting the most vulnerable from the coronavirus.